Mapping the New Spatial Inequalities Within Southern European Cities

Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale | PRIN-PNRR 2022


Mapping Inequalities seeks to discover and represent the new spatial inequalities emerging within large cities in Southern Europe.

The research starts from the assumption that, alongside the deep-rooted inequalities bound to differences in income and social condition, contemporary urban areas are the place of growing inequalities deriving from changes in the local economies, welfare policy, housing market, state of the environment, transport and mobility, and other processes. Since these driving forces have the power to reshape both the social and physical structure of cities, understanding their implications over time and space is seen as the precondition to create more just and sustainable futures in urban areas.

In this context, cities in Southern Europe provide additional complexity, as spatial inequalities are the mirror of striking differences for people in the access to basic services, to safe and quality public spaces and, more broadly, to social opportunities.

Mapping Inequalities will provide the following outcomes:

  • A new conceptual framework to measure, analyse and represent emerging patterns of spatial inequalities within urban areas, including the definition of an “Urban Inequality Index” to help comparative analyses.
  • A GIS-based Atlas of spatial inequalities for the cities of Naples and Palermo, resulting from the geographical projection of fine-grained quantitative and qualitative indicators, starting from the census units scale.
  • Exploratory case studies of four Southern European cities – Lisbon (Portugal), Barcelona (Spain), Marseille (France), and Athens (Greece) – to discover the state of the art and innovative practices in addressing urban inequalities.
  • Guidelines for policymakers to suggest principles, methods and tools to reducing the impact of spatial inequalities in future urban development.

The project is led by a multidisciplinary research team of urban planners, social scientists, geographers, demographers, and psychologists, supported by an international board of experts from different countries.



Ignazio Vinci

Principal Investigator

Urban Planner (University of Palermo)

Giovanni Laino

Naples Research Unit Coordinator

Urban Planner (University of Naples)

Alessia Ardizzone

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Antonia Arena

Naples Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Annalisa Busetta

Palermo Research Unit Member


Daniela De Leo

Naples Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

João Igreja

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Sonia Ingoglia

Palermo Research Unit Member


Marco Ingrassia

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Cristiano Inguglia

Palermo Research Unit Member


Francesco Lo Piccolo

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Cristina Mattiucci

Naples Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Jonathan Pratschke

Naples Research Unit Member


Elif Sezer

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Salvatore Siringo

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Vincenzo Todaro

Palermo Research Unit Member

Urban Planner

Advisory Board of Experts

Maurizio Franzini

La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Thomas Maloutas

Harokopio University of Athens, Greece

Ezio Micelli

IUAV University of Venice, Italy

Michel Peraldi

French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

Oriol Nel·lo

Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

João Seixas

NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

Ezio Micelli

IUAV University of Venice, Italy

Michel Peraldi

French National Centre for Scientific Research, France


Naples seminar 28.5.2024

Massimo Bricocoli invited to talk about spatial inequalities in Milan in the framework of the seminars hosted by the Naples research unit.

2024 ICUA, New York

A delegation of researchers from the Unipa research unit participated at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs in New York city to disseminate the project.

RAI Radio 3

Broadcast with interviews to Giovanni Laino and Ignazio Vinci (Content in Italian).