Participation at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs
New York, 24-27.04.2024

A delegation of researchers from the University of Palermo research unit participated at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Affairs in New York city to disseminate the Mapping Inequalities project.

During the conference a paper titled “The New Spatial Geographies of social Exclusion The case of Palermo in Italy” was presented in a panel dedicated to explore urban realities, including criminal justice, social dynamics, spatial geographies and police oversight. Co-authored by Todaro V., Lo Piccolo F. and Vinci I..

In addition, during the poster session, an introduction to the project and some preliminary research outcomes and maps were displayed on a poster entitled “Intra-urban inequalities” authored by Igreja J..

The conference was organised by the Urban Affairs Association (UAA) in collaboration with European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) and European Urban Research Association (EURA).

Poster presented by João Igreja (click to enlarge)