2024 Sustainable Development Festival, 21.5.2024

The 2024 Sustainable Development Festival is the greatest mobilization in Italy dedicated to the 2030 Agenda. The event was organised by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) and took place in different cities throughout Italy, between 7-23 May 2024. 

On Tuesday the 21st of May, the fifth stage of the festival was hosted in sunny Palermo. For the occasion, a conference titled “Le Agende per lo SvS di territori e città del Mezzogiorno Contrastare Disuguaglianze, Rigenerare Periferie” took place at cantieri culturali alla Zisa. (Full programme below)

Ignazio Vinci and Giovanni Laino had the opportunity to present the Mapping Inequalities project and discuss how is possible to overcome inequalities with Sustainable Development Strategies and Agendas. Their interventions where live broadcasted on youtube and can be seen below.

Intervention by Ignazio Vinci

(Italian version only)

Intervention by Giovanni Laino

(Italian version only)


Source: Asvis Italia (all rights reserved)

Language: Italian version only

Event programme (scroll file)

(Italian version only)