Participation at the 6th International Conference on Changing Cities
Rhodes Island - Greece, 24-28.06.2024

  • A delegation of researchers from the University of Palermo research unit participated at the 6th International Conference on Changing Cities in Rhodes Island, Greece to disseminate the Mapping Inequalities project.

During the conference, two studies were presented:

  • Exploring transport inequalities in Palermo and Naples: the role of spatial accessibility to the rail system” was presented in a panel dedicated to explore Sustainable Urban Planning & Development. Co-authored by Igreja J., Sezer E. and Vinci I.
  • Social Exclusion and New Spatial Inequalities: The Case of Palermo in Italy.” was presented in a panel dedicated to explore Economic, Social and Spatial Inequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-Trends. Co-authored by Todaro V., Lo Piccolo F. and Siringo S.

Both contributions have been published in the “Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on Changing Cities VI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions”  (ISSN: 2654-0460, ISBN: 978-618-5765-03-3).

In December will be published the Conference Proceedings.

The conference was organised by the Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly and Department of Mediterranean Studies, Aegean University, in In collaboration with ISOCARP.

Presentation by João Igreja et al. (scroll to keep reading)